Weston Study Bible
The Weston Study Bible uses the King James Version and the original Greek and Hebrew as its authority. The author, Charles Gilbert Weston, saw this as a mandate from God, to prepare an annotation revealing truth that has been ignored, twisted, or falsified, so that the Church might return to its Apostolic foundations.
While teaching Bible School in the late 1920s, Weston was given a reference Bible and some other approved books on doctrine and prophecy to use in his teaching. But he had problems squaring what they taught with the Scriptures, so he began his annotations. He felt that by using Scripture to explain Scripture, and by using clear passages to explain those less clear, the truth would be revealed and error exposed. He worked for sixty-five years to produce this work.
Weston's aim was to produce a study Bible which quickly disposes of higher criticism and other humanist teachings that have found their way into the notes of other popular Bibles, using a simple hermeneutic that shows Jesus Christ in His Church to be the complete answer to all prophecy, typology, and true theology. This is the theme. The Bible, and only the Bible, explains the Bible, and always in the context of Jesus Christ in us.
Introduction to the New Testament
The First Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ brought us the New Testament that contains and provides for mankind all the hope forecast in the Old Testament. (All the Old Testament is spoken of as The Law, e.g., Gal 4:21-22. Pentateuch Ex 24 with Dt 28:58. Historical section, Jos 24:26. Poetic section, Jn 10:34; 15:25; the Prophets, 1 Co 14:21).
The New Testament is the full flower and fruit of all the Old Testament covenants, promises, types and prophecies. It develops fully, completely and finally all Biblical truths, doctrine, prophecy, eschatology, ministry, church order, conduct, morality, etc. Jeshua - Jesus did not come to restore old types but to bring their intent to reality.
As one steps from the Old to New, it is by death to the Old and resurrection of it in the New. Flesh and types and ... -- Page 1