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The Blackaby Study Bible

In this work, the Blackaby family shows how, throughout the pages of Scripture, men and women heard the voice of God. The Blackaby Study Bible is the unprecedented achievement of four sons and their father – Drs. Henry, Richard, Thomas, Melvin, and Norman Blackaby.

The Blackaby family’s approach to Bible study is offered through the use of unique notes and practical articles that include all the doctrinal and spiritual principles that you would expect in a study Bible. The Blackaby Study Bible teaches you how to have daily encounters with God in the Bible and encourages you to develop a regular habit of Bible reading and study, expecting great things to happen as God acts to engage us in His word. It will lead you to an ongoing personal encounter with the Creator of the universe – an experience with the living God.

Valuable features including:

  • The New King James Version with center column notes and references.
  • Encounter Notes: Hundreds of notes near relevant Bible texts highlight ways God might choose to encounter you in His word.
  • Explanatory Notes: Many hundreds of same-page footnotes explain ideas, events, people, or places in the text to make the meaning clear.
  • Historical Encounters: Near the pertinent scripture passages, dramatic encounters with God are recounted in the lives of Christians through the centuries. What God did once He can do again!
  • Character Studies: The Bible is not about our view of God; it’s about His view of us. Character studies spotlight God’s interaction with men and women throughout His Word.
  • Word Studies: Significant terms in God’s word are described to show their spiritual importance.
  • Book Introductions: Introductions set the scene for each biblical book, detailing its significance, structure, and importance for encountering God.
  • How to Study the Bible: The Blackabys share the Bible study method God has used in countless ways.

Henry Blackaby is the author of over a dozen books, including the best-selling Experiencing God Bible studies. Dr. Blackaby is a graduate of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. He has completed his Th.M. degree from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary.



Overview of Bible Study