

Bible Store


Adventures in Odyssey Bible

Promoting itself as the "most kid-friendly Bible ever," the Adventures in Odyssey Bible sets out "to introduce children to the importance of applying the Bible to their lives."

A joint effort of Focus on the Family and Word Publishing, the Adventures in Odyssey Bible uses many of the characters from the Adventures in Odyssey radio program and cartoon video series.

Introduced by Word Publishing in 1994, and reprinted in 1996, this Bible uses as its text the International Children's Bible translation, the first created especially for children. Other features include sections within the text that are set off by such Odyssey characters as Mr. Whittaker of Whit's End, Dylan and Jessie Taylor, their friends Sal and Carter, and Mr. Whitaker's assistent, Eugene.

Boxes entitled "Whit's Wisdom" focus on important lessons from Scripture. The "Imagination Station" guides young children along a path of learning about particular Bible ideas. "Strataflyer Notes" are intended to identify Bible characters, events, creatures, or places. Scattered throughout the text are comic inserts, memory verses, and character drop-ins, making the Adventures in Odyssey Bible a good choice for children aged 8 to 11.


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