Aramaic NC



Aramaic New Covenant

Exegete, Herb Jahn spent sixteen years of his life on this quest - to discover exactly what each word of the Scriptures say. He researched every Word of Scripture - more than 14,000 words, one word at a time. Jahn says that "Jesus" is a mistranslation of Yah Shua, meaning "Eternal Savior." The name "Jesus" is a mistranslation of the Hebrew Yah (Eternal), followed by the willful mistranslation of the Hellene god, Zeus.

The translator claims this to be the first and only literal translation and transliteration of the New Covenant translated directly from the language of our Lord Yah Shua and his apostles (Aramaic). Even the idioms are literally translated and transliterated. Among the two most important words (except the words of Deity) are the two verbs of existence: (1) it vv had, has, have, having; and (2) hewa vv be, become, been, being. Following the text are a number of Word Summaries. These are enlightening in defining the many transliterations.



The Aramaic New Covenant
Translated and transliterated by Herb Jahn. Hardcover.



Exegeses Ready Research Bible: A Literal Translation and Transliteration of Scripture
By Herb Jan. Leather bound.