Across Five Aprils

Chapter 3

Vocabulary Words

















Below are sentences or phrases in which the vocabulary words are contained within the text of Chapter 3 of Beyond Five Aprils.

Read each sentence or phrase and see if you can determine the definition by the context in which it is used in the sentence, if you do not already know the meaning of the word.

  • and turned abruptly away
  • he turned away with a silent aloofness that none of them dared to challenge
  • Autumn was blithely indifferent to the tumult in the land that year
  • he sat in the dooryard night after night and listened as the two younger boys chafed to be off the minute they could be spared
  • He knew that Bill was no longer talking to him, and he felt suddenly desolate and alone
  • Miles of bunting draped dozens of platforms, where speakers, by virtue of their prestige as men of property or of exceptional eloquence, found themselves called upon to fan the wrath of the people
  • I hate talk of nullification, but at the same time I hate laws passed by Congress that favors one part of the country and hurts the other
  • the music of brass bands and the streams of inflamed oratory made a glorious succession of holidays for people long bound to the tedium of isolation
  • a phase of innocence had passed, which would never be recaptured
  • he was praised for being a dedicated and courageous man who spoke out against slavery while the timid President would not do so
  • Color was splashed through the woods as if it had been thrown about by some madcap wastrel who spilled out, during the weeks of one brief autumn, beauty enough to last for years