Across Five Aprils

Chapter 12

Vocabulary Words

















Below are sentences or phrases in which the vocabulary words are contained within the text of Chapter 12 of Beyond Five Aprils.

Read each sentence or phrase and see if you can determine the definition by the context in which it is used in the sentence, if you do not already know the meaning of the word.

  • The role of this state in bringing on the war served as a “just” excuse for atrocities that no thoughtful man could excuse
  • an onlooker might have believed for a moment that they were man and boy suddenly bereft of their reason
  • if he can control the bigots, if he can allow the defeated their dignity and a chance to rise out of their despair
  • the men who congregated in little groups at the country stores
  • with Eb coming home in pride instead of degradation
  • they’ll be pawns in the hands of exploiters all over the nation
  • Then March came, breaking the back of winter with warmth permeating the cold
  • South Carolina knew the lash of a triumphant army drunk with the plundering of Georgia and enraged at the stubborn tenacity of the South
  • They had talked of the thirteenth amendment that night. It had been passed by Congress, and now it was up to the states: Illinois had already ratified it
  • Jethro would remember a sunlit field and a sense of serenity and happiness such as he had not known since early childhood
  • and although he was still slender, there was a taut look about his body, as if his muscles had attained a fine precision in working together for the achievement of a needed strength
  • Jethro had learned to accept the whims of fate
  • details of the assassination, the attempted murder of the Secretary of State, the nation’s wrath and woe
  • Jethro felt a wrench of pity at her little plea
  • The yoke of the farm had settled firmly across Jethro’s shoulders