Permissible Solutions
So what do we do with the child who disturbs the worship service?
Generally, a child will fidget or cry or yell because of one of two reasons. The child is either uncomfortable or he is disobedient, neither of which are necessarily lasting conditions. A baby may simply be hungry, or the child may need to use the restroom.
In either case, if the child cannot be contained, he should be temporarily removed from the service, where he can usually be calmed down within a few minutes.
He should then be brought back into the public worship where he belongs. Keeping him out only serves to give the child leverage to use against the parents. In all cases, the parent should be in control, not the child.
It has been argued that by keeping a child in the service when he doesn’t want to be there, he learns to hate the worship service.
But do you teach him to love the service by keeping him out?
No, you can’t teach your child to appreciate the worship of God without giving him the discipline to witness and participate in it.
Would you teach him to like vegetables by giving him ice cream?
Appreciation comes in degrees. It takes time, patience, and skill. Too often, we opt for the easy answer and we fail in the objective.
The work that you, as a parent, put into teaching your child to love the ordinances of Christ is well worth the effort even if it means that you miss most of the sermon yourself. In the long run, after all, both he and those around him will hear more sermons and be given additional opportunities.