Children and Ordinances
Jesus no longer walks the earth in human body, laying his hands on children, because our Lord ascended to the Father and sits at his right hand.
But this doesn’t mean that he no longer blesses little children today. How does he do that?
How about baptism?
While I don’t believe that the Scriptures teach infant baptism, as my parents were members of the Evangelical Covenant Church, I was baptized as an infant and I can’t see that it did me any harm.
The Baptist would object, arguing that it cannot have any meaning for them since babies can’t understand or appreciate its significance by faith.
True, but the child’s parents can. Just as water cleanses dirt, so baptism by the Spirit cleanses the heart from sin. Use that as an object lesson for the younger children in the congregation.
Infant baptism might be more properly thought of as an act of dedication on the part of the parents, and it doesn’t absolve the child from, at some later point in his life, making the informed decision to obey Christ and be baptized.