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Ken Anderson: A Texas Paramedic in Maine


Personal Sites

Below are personal sites, ones that I have either built, or play a large part in maintaining.

Ken Anderson - A Texas Paramedic in Maine

This site. The main page of a personal homepage that includes all of the usual autobiographical and family stuff, but which also, if you dig far enough, also has information about ocelots, hard tack, and Bible study, as well as numerous photographs and historical data about such places as the Delta Area of Texas, which includes Edcouch, Elsa, La Villa, La Blanca, Monte Alto, Delta Lake, and the rural area between these Texas localities, as well as the Maine localities of Wallagrass, Soldier Pond, New Canada, including a history of Aroostook County, the Aroostook War, and railroads in Maine.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net

Aroostook County, Maine

Features, as a work in progress, a history of Aroostook County, the Aroostook War, and railroads in Maine. Also includes a selection of books relating to Aroostook County or Maine history, available for purchase through an association with Amazon.com.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/aroostook/

Photos from Soldier Pond, Maine

Includes numerous photographs from the Aroostook County locality of Soldier Pond, as well as historical information, and a discussion forum for Soldier Pond, Wallagrass, and New Canada residents.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/sp/

Photos from New Canada, Maine

Includes numerous photographs from the Aroostook County locality of New Canada, as well as historical information, and a discussion forum for Soldier Pond, Wallagrass, and New Canada residents.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/nc/

Photos from Wallagrass, Maine

Includes numerous photographs from the Aroostook County locality of Wallagrass, as well as historical information, and a discussion forum for Soldier Pond, Wallagrass, and New Canada residents.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/walla/

Photos from the Delta Area of Texas

Includes numerous photographs from the Delta Aera of Texas, which includes the localities of Edcouch, Elsa, La Villa, La Blanca, Monte Alto, and Delta Lake, as well as the rural area between these Hidalgo County localities. Also includes historical information about each of these localities, and a discussion forum for Delta Area residents.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/delta/

Ken Andersons on the Internet

Statistical and genealogical information about the name, as well as a directory of web sites by and about persons with the name of Ken Anderson, Kenny Anderson, or Kenneth Anderson.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/kenandersons/

KASoft Software

Although I have not released a new version in years, this is my software site, now devoted to a general discussion of emergency medical service issues.

URL: http://www.kasoft.net


Includes a history of hard tack, as well as recipes, historical and modern. Also includes a selection of books, films, and music relating to the Civil War and available for purchase through our association with Amazon.com.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/hardtack/

Pasties, Plain and Simple

Includes a history of the pasty, an Upper Peninsula of Michigan staple, with roots in Cornwall, England; as well as numerous pasty recipes, Cornish, UP, hybrid, and vegetarian.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/pasties/


Just an informational site about mesothelioma, a form of cancer (which I do not have, by the way) in which some of the cells of the mesothelium become cancerous and divide uncontrollably.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/meso/

Delphi Forums: Ken Anderson

Doorway to forums hosted on Delphi Forums by Ken Anderson, including the Maine Page, Bible Study Resources, and From Away.

URL: http://people.delphiforums.com/kfander/

Magic City Morning Star

Online news magazine for the Katahdin Area, most particularly the Maine communities of Millinocket, East Millinocket, and Medway; but with news and opinion relevant to the entire state of Maine, and the nation.

URL: http://www.magic-city-news.com

Katahdin Commons

Not really my site alone, but a community forum for the Katahdin region of Maine that I maintain as administrator.

URL: http://www.katahdincommons.com/

Katahdin Regional Wiki

Maintained by anyone who cares to contribute, the Katahdin Regional Wiki is a community project running on MediaWiki software, and intended to chronicle anything and everything relating to the Katahdin region of Maine, or the surrounding areas.

URL: http://region.katahdincommons.com

Overview of Bible Study

A study text on the Holy Bible, including various versions and translations, with Bible quizzes, exercises, and puzzles. Also includes a selection of bibles, concordances, dictionaries, study aids, Christian fiction, films, and music.

URL: http://www.kenanderson.net/bible/

RadKid.Org: Reactive Attachment Disorder

Find information, ideas, and support for parents and caregivers of children with reactive attachment disorder or other emotional detachment issues. Also includes information relating to related childhood behavioral disorders and a directory of pediatric emotional, developmental, and behavioral sites, as well as those dealing with adoption or general parenting issues. Find a useful site or add your own to the directory.

URL: http://www.radkid.org/

War on Terror Portal

The war on terrorism portal which includes news as it relates to the war on terrorism and the September 11 attacks. Includes national, international, military, financial, and Afghani news roundup and forums. Also resource pages and a section dedicated to what people are doing to cope with the situation.

URL: http://www.11-sept.org/

Cats, Cats, Cats, Cats

A site devoted to five of my cats: Baby Girl, Cutie, Lydia, Bird, and Obadiah. Also includes information and tips on feline nutrition and other cat care topics.

URL: http://cats.kenanderson.net/

Aroostook County, Maine - Photos from Soldier Pond, Maine - Photos from Wallagrass, Maine - Photos from New Canada, Maine
Photos from the Delta Area of Texas - Hardtack - Pasties, Plain & Simple - Overview of Bible Resources - Cats, Cats, Cats, Cats