Prayers: Ancient & Modern
April the First
O Lord, whose way is perfect, help us, I pray Thee, always to trust in Thy goodness: that walking with Thee and following Thee in all simplicity, we may possess quiet and contented minds; and may cast all our care on Thee, for Thou carest for us. Amen.
-- Christina G. Rossetti
O Lord, if only my will may remain right and firm towards Thee, do with me whatsoever it shall please Thee. For it cannot be anything but good, whatsoever Thou shalt do with me. If it be Thy will I should be in darkness, be Thou blessed; and if it be Thy will I should be in light, be Thou again blessed. If Thou vouchsafe to comfort me, be Thou blessed; and if Thou wilt have me afflicted, be Thou ever equally blessed. Amen.
-- Thomas a Kempis
April the Second
Eternal God, who committest to us the swift and solemn trust of life; since we know not what a day may bring forth, but only that the hour for serving Thee is always present, may we wake to the instant claims of Thy holy will; not waiting for tomorrow, but yielding today. Lay to rest, by the persuasion of Thy Spirit, the resistance of our passion, indolence or fear. Consecrate with Thy presence the way our feet may go; and the humblest work will shine, and the roughest places be made plain. Lift us above unrighteous anger and mistrust into faith and hope and charity by a simple and steadfast reliance on Thy sure will. In all things draw us to the mind of Christ, that Thy lost image may be traced again, and Thou mayest own us at one with Him and Thee. Amen.
-- James Martineau
April the Third
O most dear and tender Father, our Defender and Nourisher; endue us with Thy grace, that we may cast off the great blindness of our minds, and carefulness of worldly things, and may put our whole study and care in keeping of Thy holy law; and that we may labor and travail for our necessities in this life, like the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, without care. For Thou hast promised to be careful for us; and hast commanded that upon Thee we should cast our care, who livest and reignest, world without end. Amen.
-- Henry VIII’s Primer, 1545
O Lord, we beseech Thee, with adoring gratitude to Thee for all Thou art for us, to us, and in us; fill us with love, joy, peace, and all the fruits of the Spirit. Amen.
-- Christina G. Rossetti
April the Fourth
The day returns and brings us the petty round of irritating concerns and duties. Help us to play the man, help us to perform them with laughter and kind faces, let cheerfulness abound with industry. Give us to go blithely on our business all this day, bring us to our resting beds weary and content and undishonored, and grant us in the end the gift of sleep. Amen.
-- R. L. Stevenson
O God, who through the grace of Thy Holy Spirit, dost pour the gift of love into the hearts of Thy faithful people, grant unto us health, both of mind and body, that we may love Thee with our whole strength, and with entire satisfaction may perform those things which are pleasing unto Thee, through Christ our Lord. Amen.
-- Sarum Breviary, A.D. 1085
April the Fifth
Grant, gracious Father, that I may never dispute the reasonableness of Thy will, but ever close with it, as the best that can happen. Prepare me always for what Thy Providence shall bring forth. Let me never murmur, be dejected, or impatient, under any of the troubles of this life, but ever find rest and comfort in this, THIS IS THE WILL OF MY FATHER, AND OF MY GOD: grant this for Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.
-- Thomas Wilson (1663-1755)
O God, the Consolation of all such as be sorrowful, and the Salvation of all them that put their trust in Thee, grant unto us, in this dying life, that peace for which we humbly pray, and hereafter to attain unto everlasting joy in Thy presence, through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
-- Roman Breviary
April the Sixth
O Lord, make us to love Thee, and each other in Thee, and to meet before Thee to dwell in Thine everlasting love. Amen.
-- E. B. Pusey
Grant unto us, Almighty God, the knowledge of Thy way, and the spirit of obedience thereunto, that, being conformed in thought and words unto Thy way, Thy peace may rule in our hearts. Help us to cast out all those things which are contrary to Thy peace, or that are not according to Thy will, that so ours may be the quiet life of trust, and faith, and obedience, living lowly, longing for Thy truth, and walking in the light thereof, that Thy blessing may be upon us, and the light of Thy countenance our perpetual delight. Hear us of Thy mercy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
-- George Dawson
April the Seventh
We most earnestly beseech Thee, O Thou Lover of mankind, to bless all Thy people, the flocks of Thy fold. Send down into our hearts the peace of heaven, and grant us also the peace of this life. Give life to the souls of all of us, and let no deadly sin prevail against us, or any of Thy people. Deliver all who are in trouble, for Thou art our God, who settest the captives free; who givest hope to the hopeless, and help to the helpless; who liftest up the fallen; and who art the Haven of the shipwrecked. Give Thy pity, pardon, and refreshment to every Christian soul. whether in affliction or error. Preserve us, in our pilgrimage through this life from hurt and danger, and grant that we may end our lives as Christians, well-pleasing to Thee and free from sin, and that we may have our portion and lot with all Thy saints. Amen.
-- Liturgy of St. Mark (175-254)
April the Eighth
Give us grace, O Lord, to work while it is day, fulfilling diligently and patiently whatever duty Thou appointest us; doing small things in the day of small things, and great labors if Thou summon us to any; rising and working, sitting still and suffering, according to Thy word. Go with me, and I will go; but if Thou go not with me, send me not: go before me, if Thou put me forth; let me hear Thy voice when I follow. Amen.
-- Christina G. Rossetti
Almighty God, unto whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love Thee, and worthily magnify Thy holy Name, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
-- Gegorian Sacramentary, A.D. 590
April the Ninth
O Lord, Thy hands have formed us, and Thou hast sent us into this world, that we may walk in the way that leads to heaven and Thyself, and may find a lasting rest in Thee who art the Source and Centre of our souls. Look in pity on us poor pilgrims in the narrow way; let us not go astray, but reach at last our true home where our Father dwells. Guide and govern us from day to day, and bestow on us food and strength for body and soul, that we may journey on in peace. Forgive us for having hitherto so often wavered or looked back, and let us henceforward march straight on in the way of Thy laws, and may our last step be a safe and peaceful passage to the arms of Thy love, and the blessed fellowship of the saints in light. Hear us, O Lord, and glorify Thy name in us that we may glorify Thee for ever and ever. Amen.
-- Gerhard Tersteegen
April the Tenth
Almighty God, the fountain of Life, who hast ordained that Thy children may find life in the way of Thy commandment, and in the path of Thy service; we would humbly thank Thee, not alone for what is bright and fair in our lot, but for the difficulty, the trial, the darkness. We thank Thee for the doubts that perplex us, - the infirmities that oppress us, - the sorrows that make us to faint and fear; for we know that Thou wilt answer the strong cry which these bring forth of our souls after light from Thee. Oh, grant that we may so endure as becometh Thy children, - that, doubting, we may not despair, - sorrowing, it may not be as those without hope; but that, receiving Thy discipline and preparation in the Spirit of Thy dear Son, we may make straight His path within our hearts. We ask it in His name, who is the Light of men. Amen.
-- Henry W. Foote
April the Eleventh
Give strength, O Lord, to those who seek Thee, and continually pour into their souls the holy desire of seeking Thee; that they who long to see Thy face may not crave the world’s pernicious pleasure. Amen.
-- Mozarabic, before A.D. 700
Most gracious God, who governest the world with infinite wisdom and goodness, teach me contentedly to submit to the dispensations of Thy Providence, how contrary soever they may be to flesh and blood. Thou knowest the surest ways of making me happy, and art infinite in loving-kindness and mercy; therefore, let Thy blessed will in everything be my choice and satisfaction. Let all my dangers awaken me to a careful performance of my duty; that I may serve Thee quietly with a devout mind, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
-- Robert Nelson (1656-1715)
April the Twelfth
O Lord, mercifully incline Thine ears to hear our prayers, and, of Thy loving-kindness, enlighten the depths of our hearts, that no evil desires may rule them. Amen.
-- Treasury of Devotion
O God, who puttest into our hearts such deep desire, that we cannot be at peace until we enjoy the feeling of Thy love; mercifully grant that the unspeakable sighing of our souls’ need may not go unsatisfied because of any unrighteousness of heart, which must divide us from the All-holy One; but strengthen us to do right by whomsoever we have wronged in thought, word, or deed; to renounce all plans of wrong-doing for the future; to purify our thoughts, and govern our appetites, so that we may have no bar between us and Thy glory, but enjoy Thy peace which passeth understanding. Amen.
-- Rowland Williams
April the Thirteenth
O God our Father, Good beyond all that is good, Fair beyond all that is fair, in whom is calmness and peace; do Thou make up the dissensions which divide us from each other, and bring us back into an unity of love, which may bear some likeness to Thy sublime nature. Grant that we may be spiritually one, as well in ourselves as in each other, through that peace of Thine which maketh all things peaceful, and through the grace, mercy, and tenderness of Thine only Son. Amen.
-- Jacobite Liturgy of St. Dionysius
Bless me, O God, with the love of Thee, and of my neighbor. Give me peace of conscience, the command of my affections; and for the rest, Thy will be done! O King of peace, keep us in love and charity. Amen.
-- Thomas Wilson (1663-1755)
April the Fourteenth
O Lord, prepare my heart, I beseech Thee, to reverence Thee, to adore Thee, to love Thee; to hate, for love of Thee, all my sins, imperfections, shortcomings, whatever in me displeaseth Thee; and to love all which Thou lovest, and whom Thou lovest. Give me, Lord, fervor of love, shame for my unthankfulness, sorrow for my sins, longing for Thy grace, and to be wholly united with Thee. Let my very coldness call for the glow of Thy love; let my emptiness and dryness, like a barren and thirsty land, thirst for Thee, call on Thee to come into my soul, who refreshest those who are weary. Let my heart ache to Thee and for Thee, who stillest the aching of the heart. Let my mute longings praise Thee, crave to Thee, who satisfiest the empty soul, that waits on Thee. Amen.
-- E. B. Pusey
April the Fifteenth
Praised by Thou, O God, Almighty Ruler, who dost make the day bright with Thy sunshine, and the night with the beams of heavenly fire! Listen now to our prayers, and forgive us both our conscious and unconscious transgressions. Clothe us with the armour of righteousness; shield us with Thy truth; watch over us with Thy power; save us from all calamity; and give us grace to pass all the days of our life, blameless, holy, peaceful, free from sin, terror, and offence. For with Thee is mercy and plenteous redemption, our Lord and God, and to Thee we bring our thanks and praise. Amen.
-- Greek Church
O Lord, hear my prayer, fulfil my desire to my good, and to the praise of Thy holy name. Amen.
-- Sarum Breviary, A.D. 1085
April the Sixteenth
Hear our prayers, O Lord, and consider our desires. Give unto us true humility, a meek and quiet spirit, a loving and a friendly, a holy and a useful manner of life; bearing the burdens of our neighbors, denying ourselves, and studying to benefit others, and to please Thee in all things. Grant us to be righteous in performing promises, loving to our relatives, careful of our charges, slow to anger, and readily prepared for every good work. Amen.
-- Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667)
O Lord, grant all who contend for the faith, never to injure it by clamor and impatience; but speaking Thy precious truth in love, so to present it that it may be loved, and that men may see it Thy goodness and beauty. Amen.
-- William Bright
April the Seventeenth
Come, O Lord, in much mercy down into my soul, and take possession and dwell there. A homely mansion, I confess, for so glorious a Majesty, but such as Thou art fitting up for the reception of Thee, by holy and fervent desires of Thine own inspiring. Enter then, and adorn, and make it such as Thou canst inhabit, since it is the work of Thy hands. Give me Thine own self, without which, though Thou shouldst give me all that ever Thou hast made, yet could not my desires be satisfied. Let my soul ever seek Thee, and let me persist in seeking, till I have found, and am in full possession of Thee. Amen.
-- St. Augustine (354-430)
Most loving Lord, give me at childlike love of Thee, which may cast out all fear. Amen.
-- E. B. Pusey
April the Eighteenth
O Lord, I give myself to Thee, I trust Thee wholly. Thou art wiser than I - more loving to me than I myself. Deign to fulfil Thy high purposes in me whatever they be - work in and through me. I am born to serve Thee, to be Thine, to be Thy instrument. Let me be Thy blind instrument. I ask not to see - I ask not to know - I ask simply to be used. Amen.
-- John Henry Newman
Protect, O Lord, Thy suppliants, support their weaknesses, and wash away their earthly stains; and while they walk amid the darkness of this mortal life, do Thou ever quicken them by Thy light; deliver them in Thy mercy from all evils, and grant them to attain the height of good: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
-- Leonine Sacramentary, A.D. 440
April the Nineteenth
Accomplish Thy perfect work in our souls, O Father; let us become day by day purer, freer, more heavenly, more happy, and preserve us unto eternal life. Bless, animate, and sustain us, and raise us mightily above all that would distract us, to Thyself and the consciousness of Thy fellowship which gives joy to all who dwell therein. As yet we are bound with many chains; we tarry among things seen and temporal, and feel their oppression; we are exposed to the storms of the outer world, and are wrestling with its ills. But we are not dismayed, for we are more than earth and dust, we are akin to Thee, O Spirit of the Lord, and can experience Thy heavenly influence. Unite us ever more closely to the company of faithful hearts whom Thou art sanctifying and preparing for heaven; fill us with their faith and love and hope. Amen.
-- D. R. Reinhard (1753-1812)
April the Twentieth
O Lord, the Lord whose ways are right, keep us in Thy mercy from lip-service and empty forms; from having a name that we live, but being dead. Help us to worship Thee by righteous deeds and lives of holiness; that our prayer also may set forth in Thy sight as the incense, and the lifting up of our hands be as an evening sacrifice. Amen.
-- Christina G. Rossetti
Kindle in us the fire of Thy Love; help Thou our weakness, that, strengthened in Thee and by Thee, we may take heed by good works to make our calling sure. Whatsoever our hand findeth to do, may we straightway do it, with the desire to please Thee only, and then be Thou our exceeding great Reward. Amen.
-- Paradise for the Christian Soul
April the Twenty-first
And now, Lord, what is my hope? Truly, my hope is even in Thee. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, yet I will fear no evil. Lord, Thou knowest whereof we be made; Thou rememberest that we are but dust. I am Thine, Oh, save me! Behold, O Lord, how that I am Thy servant, and the son of Thine handmaid. Thine unprofitable servant; yet Thy servant. Thy lost prodigal child, yet Thy child. Into Thy hands I commend myself as unto a faithful Creator. Lord, I am created in Thine own image. Suffer not Thine own image to be utterly defaced, but renew it again in righteousness and true holiness. Into Thine hands I commend myself, for Thou hast redeemed me, Thou God of Truth. Amen.
-- Lancelot Andrewes (1555-1626)
April the Twenty-second
Show Thyself, O Lord, and have pity on Thy child, and bring his steps into the way of peace. Thou that knowest our thoughts, make Thyself known to our hearts; Thou, that art from everlasting, let us behold Thy truth. Hast Thou not made our souls in Thy likeness? Take away stain from the glass, and let us behold it in Thine image. When Thou willest, Thy word goest forth; Thou breathest forth Thy love, and our souls are joined to Thee. Take away from me shame and rebuke; renew in me Thy strength, and show me the way of peace. Turn me again, and I shall be turned; take away the darkness which hideth Thee, and in the light of the living God let me see light. Amen.
-- Rowland Williams
April the Twenty-third
O Almighty God! Eternal Treasure of all good things! Thou fillest all things with plenteousness; Thou clothest the lilies of the field, and feedest the young ravens that call upon Thee. Let Thy Providence be my store-house, my own necessities the measures of my desire; but never let my desires of this world be greedy, nor my labor immoderate, nor my care vexatious and distracting; but moderate, holy, subordinate to Thy will, the measure Thou hast appointed for me. Amen.
-- Jeremy Taylor (1613-1667)
Grant us, O Lord, we beseech Thee, always to seek Thy kingdom and righteousness; and of whatsoever Thou seest us to stand in need, mercifully grant us an abundant portion; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
-- Gelasian Sacramentary, A.D. 492
April the Twenty-fourth
O Thou, who art Love and dwellest in love! teach us herein to be followers of Thee, as dear children. Never may we shut our hearts against the sorrows of even the unthankful and the evil. Make us organs of Thy tender mercy, to soothe the wretched, to lift the penitent, to seek and to save the lost; till all shall at length know themselves Thy children, and be one with each other and with Thee. Amen.
-- James Martineau
O God, who dost bring men out of darkness and the shadow of death, such as are bound in affliction and iron, free us, we beseech Thee, from the chains o four sins, and in Thy great mercy deliver us from all evil, through Jesus Christ. Amen.
-- Roman Breviary
April the Twenty-fifth
O Thou full of compassion, I commit and commend myself unto Thee, in whom I am, and live, and know. Be Thou the Goal of my pilgrimage, and my Rest by the way. Let my soul take refuge from the crowding turmoil of worldly thoughts beneath the shadow of Thy wings; let my heart, this sea of restless waves, find peace in Thee, O God. Thou bounteous Giver of all good gifts, give to him who is weary refreshing food; gather our distracted thoughts and powers into harmony again; and set the prisoner free. See, he stands at Thy door and knocks; be it opened to him, that he may enter with a free step, and be quickened by Thee. For Thou art the Well-spring of Life, the Light of eternal Brightness, wherein the just live who love Thee. Be it unto me according to Thy word. Amen.
-- St. Augustine (354-430)
April the Twenty-sixth
Almighty and most merciful God, in whom we live, and move, and have our being; Lord of all life; Source of all light, guiding and governing all things of Thy loving-kindness and power! Hear our thanksgivings unto Thee for all the joy that Thou puttest into mortal life; but chiefly for the joy that comes of sin forgiven, weakness strengthened, victory promised, life eternal looked for. To every one of us grant that, being fully conscious of having erred and strayed from Thy ways, we may be equally conscious of our need to go back again to the Good Shepherd. Let there be no doubt with any one of us that Thou dost forgive, even to the uttermost, all those who draw nigh in penitence to Thee; that so, those of us who are sinful, and sad because sinful, and sorrowful in sinning, may have this day the joy of our Lord. Amen.
-- George Dawson
April the Twenty-seventh
O Merciful God, be Thou now unto me a strong tower of defence, I humbly entreat Thee. Give me grace to await Thy leisure, and patiently to bear what Thou doest unto me; nothing doubting or mistrusting Thy goodness towards me; for Thou knowest what is good for me better than I do. Therefore do with me in all things what Thou wilt; only arm me, I beseech Thee, with Thine armor, that I may stand fast; above all things, taking to me the shield of faith; praying always that I may refer myself wholly to Thy will, abiding Thy pleasure, and comforting myself in those troubles which it shall please Thee to send me, seeing such troubles are profitable for me; and I am assuredly persuaded that all Thou doest cannot but be well; and unto Thee be all honor and glory. Amen.
-- Lady Jane Grey, 1553
April the Twenty-eighth
O Lord, who lovest the stranger, defend and nourish, we entreat Thee, all sojourners in strange lands and poor helpless persons, that they may glorify Thee out of grateful hearts; and to such men as are tyrannical and oppressive give searchings of spirit and amendment of ways, that Thou mayest shew mercy on them also. Amen.
-- Christina G. Rossetti
O God of love, who hast given a new commandment, through Thine Only-begotten Son, that we should love one another, even as Thou didst love us, the unworthy and the wandering, and gavest Thy beloved Son for our life and salvation; we pray Thee, Lord, give to us Thy servants, in all time of our life on the earth, a mind forgetful of past ill-will, a pure conscience and sincere thoughts, and a heart to love our brethren. Amen.
-- Coptic Liturgy of St. Cyril
April the Twenty-ninth
We love Thee, O our God; and we desire to love Thee more and more. Grant to us that we may love Thee as much as we desire, and as much as we ought. O dearest Friend, who hast so loved and saved us, the thought of whom is so sweet and always growing sweeter, come with Christ and dwell in our hearts; then Thou wilt keep a watch over our lips, our steps, our deeds, and we shall not need to be anxious either for our souls or our bodies. Give us love, sweetest of all gifts, which knows no enemy. Give us in our hearts pure love, born of Thy love to us, that we may love others as Thou lovest us. O most loving Father of Jesus Christ, from whom floweth all love, let our hearts, frozen in sin, cold to Thee and cold to others, be warmed by this divine fire. So help and bless us in Thy Son. Amen.
-- St. Anselm, translated by James Freeman Clarke
April the Thirtieth
O Almighty God, help us to put away all bitterness and wrath and evil-speaking, with all malice. May we possess our souls in patience, however we are tempted and provoked, and not be overcome with evil, but overcome evil with good. Enable us, O God of patience, to bear one another’s burdens, and to forbear one another in love. Oh, teach and help us all to live in peace and to love in truth, following peace with all men and walking in love, as Christ loved us, of whom let us learn such meekness and lowliness of heart that in Him we may find rest for our souls. Subdue all bitter resentments in our minds, and let the law of kindness be in our tongues, and a meek and quiet spirit in all our lives. Make us so gentle and peaceable that we may be followers of Thee as dear children, that Thou, the God of peace, mayest dwell with us forevermore. Amen.
-- Benjamin Jenks (1646-1724)
Other Books of Prayers