Maine Sports - 2

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1) Rumford High School's athletic teams are known as the ...
2) The mascot of Waterville High School's athletic teams is the ...
3) Wells High School athletic teams are known as the ...
4) The Winthrop High School athletic teams are known as the ...
5) The Wiscasset High School athletic teams are known as the ...
6) The York High School athletic teams are known as the ...
7) Lewiston High School's athletic teams are known as the ...
8) The trophy awarded each year to the best high school football lineman is known as the ...
9) What river is best known for its wilderness canoe trips?
10) How long is the Allagash River from its source at Eagle Lake to its meeting with the Saint John River?
11) The 2002 winner of the Chet Bulger Award was ...
12) Chet Bulger, a two-way tackle with the Cardinals and Lions from 1942 to 1950, was from ...
13) What was the name of the 1930 Portland baseball team?
14) What do hikers find atop Cadillac Mountain?
15) William Francis Carrigan, a catcher for the Boston Red Sox from 1906-1916, was from ...
16) Maine's third-highest mountain, and a hiker's favorite, is ...
17) The University of Maine's athletic teams are known as the ...
18) Who coached the University of Maine's baseball team in 1964, when it won its first Intercollegiate World Series?
19) Born in Hartland in 1855, George Gore was signed by the Chicago White Stockings in 1879. What was his nickname?
20) What Nobleboro resident played for the Philadelphia Athletics, Boston Red Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Brooklyn Dodgers, and the Pittsburgh Pirates, becoming a minor league manager after his retirement as a player?
21) Who managed the Bath Iron Works baseball team in 1942?
22) For what team did George Gore play when he won a major-league batting title in 1880?
23) Where is Lawrence High School?
24) When is Maine's wild turkey season?
25) When was the first documented baseball game played in Maine?

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