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1) Rumford High School's athletic teams are known as the ... |
2) The mascot of Waterville High School's athletic teams is the ... |
3) Wells High School athletic teams are known as the ... |
4) The Winthrop High School athletic teams are known as the ... |
5) The Wiscasset High School athletic teams are known as the ... |
6) The York High School athletic teams are known as the ... |
7) Lewiston High School's athletic teams are known as the ... |
8) The trophy awarded each year to the best high school football lineman is known as the ... |
9) What river is best known for its wilderness canoe trips? |
10) How long is the Allagash River from its source at Eagle Lake to its meeting with the Saint John River? |
11) The 2002 winner of the Chet Bulger Award was ... |
12) Chet Bulger, a two-way tackle with the Cardinals and Lions from 1942 to 1950, was from ... |
13) What was the name of the 1930 Portland baseball team? |
14) What do hikers find atop Cadillac Mountain? |
15) William Francis Carrigan, a catcher for the Boston Red Sox from 1906-1916, was from ... |
16) Maine's third-highest mountain, and a hiker's favorite, is ... |
17) The University of Maine's athletic teams are known as the ... |
18) Who coached the University of Maine's baseball team in 1964, when it won its first Intercollegiate World Series? |
19) Born in Hartland in 1855, George Gore was signed by the Chicago White Stockings in 1879. What was his nickname? |
20) What Nobleboro resident played for the Philadelphia Athletics, Boston Red Sox, Cincinnati Reds, Brooklyn Dodgers, and the Pittsburgh Pirates, becoming a minor league manager after his retirement as a player? |
21) Who managed the Bath Iron Works baseball team in 1942? |
22) For what team did George Gore play when he won a major-league batting title in 1880? |
23) Where is Lawrence High School? |
24) When is Maine's wild turkey season? |
25) When was the first documented baseball game played in Maine? |